Arrange marriages, pros and cons


 Introduction to arrange marriage

Whenever we think about marriage, we think about a lifetime commitment, which might be a bit unacceptable for modern youth, who basically believe in having control of their life in their own hands, letting our family decide the partner of us for a lifetime might be a bit more risky for them, but on the other hand, there's a part of youth that still believe in arrange marriages, they on some morales and values type stuff, not necessarily tho(like a guy like me don't even have a choice, why? , this face smh) whether it's your own choice, or you don't even have one, arrange marriage, have a lot of benefits considering your own reputation in the society and one's family's self respect. It's not like your parents would just tie you up with some random human being who's biggest characteristic is, existing on earth, nope, they'll dig real hard until they get the diamond that their son/daughter deserves(not literally, it's just for maintaining your hype). Meanwhile if you go for love marriage, you're the sole in charge of what you might get blessed with, or stucked with for your whole life. When we think about love marriage, we think about spending our life with a person that we know closely, whether it's the physical connection or the spiritual bond. On the other hand, In arrange marriages, we're about to spend our entire life with a person we don't have a single clue about, sounds risky isn't it(don't mean to scare anyone lol it's just, fact). So, is their any kind of advantage of choosing arrange marriage? More than you think maybe, let's check some facts. 

Pros of arrange marriages

Arrange marriage is a concept that's mainly popular in India, unlike western culture, (which basically is based on meeting and relating with as many people as one want to until they find their right one, or soulmate), it's appropriate in our tradition, our society, and according to the Indian mentality, it's safe. 

Unlike love marriage, we're about to commit our entire life with a stranger, with sounds a bit fishy, but on the other hand, it's a journey in itself, the entire concept of arrange marriage is based on trusting a stranger, but, you get a complete support of your and your partner's family. Unlike love marriage, you and and your partner are under a protective surrounding of your families, if there's a misunderstanding, you're not alone, if you're busy building your career whether it's your own business or a typical 9 to 5, the entire family is there to look out for your kids, and your wife if you're a working male.

In some cases, the arrange marriage later might get turned in some real love, you might feel a bond with your partner that you may never get in love marriage. Which basically the only thing that matters when it comes to your own personal happiness. 

No one can't tell you wrong if the marriage don't go according to the plan, which is a risk in both love and arrange marriage, but if things go wrong in love marriage, you're all alone mate, there's no one by your side, why? Cause the entire structure of love marriage is being a rebel against your own family and trusting your life with your partner. You have to start a family of your own, all alone, without any guardian angel. Yeah yeah, I know you're mature and all, but, will you be happy when you need guidance and there's literally no one by your side? 

And on the other hand, the most important benefit of arrange marriage, you're not a criminal according to our Indian society, who basically thinks that you're wrong if you go against your family to choose your life partner. I know it might not affect you personally, but it definitely affects your family. Choosing arrange marriage ensures yours and your life partner's reputation

as well as your family's in this society. 

So it might not be a overly beneficial choice for your own personal happiness to go for arrange marriage, but it got perks of its own which you completely miss in love marriage. 

Cons of Arrange Marriage

Yep, the moment you've all been waiting for( if you're still reading tho) the cons, the dark side, the unbearable amount of pain you might suffer, okay let's not get too dramatic, sorry. 

The biggest and probably the only downside of arrange marriage is, losing your personal happiness. While you're thinking about your family and your self respect, you lose the freedom of spending your time with a person you might actually love, you have to completely sacrifice, your freedom to be in relationship with other person, whether it's physically or mentally. 

Both arrange marriage and love marriage have their unique perks, so at the end, it's up to you homie, you wanna be a rebel and reap what you sow, or you're one of those play it safe type playa, Afterall at the end, it's all about your own life and wellbeing, peace. 
